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This returns game/schedule information as maintained by Lee Sharpe.





Arguments passed on to nflreadr::load_schedules


a numeric vector of seasons to return, default TRUE returns all available data.


A tibble of game information for past and/or future games.


See nflreadr::load_schedules for details.

See also

For information on parallel processing and progress updates please see nflfastR.


# \donttest{
# Get schedules for the whole 2015 - 2018 seasons
#> ── nflverse games and schedules ────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2022-11-05 12:45:09 UTC
#> # A tibble: 1,068 × 45
#>    game_id  season game_…¹  week gameday weekday gamet…² away_…³ away_…⁴ home_…⁵
#>    <chr>     <int> <chr>   <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <int> <chr>  
#>  1 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Thursd… 20:30   PIT          21 NE     
#>  2 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   IND          14 BUF    
#>  3 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   GB           31 CHI    
#>  4 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   KC           27 HOU    
#>  5 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   CAR          20 JAX    
#>  6 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   CLE          10 NYJ    
#>  7 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   SEA          31 STL    
#>  8 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  13:00   MIA          17 WAS    
#>  9 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  16:05   NO           19 ARI    
#> 10 2015_01…   2015 REG         1 2015-0… Sunday  16:05   DET          28 SD     
#> # … with 1,058 more rows, 35 more variables: home_score <int>, location <chr>,
#> #   result <int>, total <int>, overtime <int>, old_game_id <chr>, gsis <int>,
#> #   nfl_detail_id <chr>, pfr <chr>, pff <int>, espn <chr>, away_rest <int>,
#> #   home_rest <int>, away_moneyline <int>, home_moneyline <int>,
#> #   spread_line <dbl>, away_spread_odds <int>, home_spread_odds <int>,
#> #   total_line <dbl>, under_odds <int>, over_odds <int>, div_game <int>,
#> #   roof <chr>, surface <chr>, temp <int>, wind <int>, away_qb_id <chr>, …
# }