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nflfastR Field Descriptions




A data frame including names and descriptions of all variables in an nflfastR dataset.

See also

The searchable table on the nflfastR website


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 372 × 2
#>    Field        Description                                                     
#>    <chr>        <chr>                                                           
#>  1 play_id      Numeric play id that when used with game_id and drive provides …
#>  2 game_id      Ten digit identifier for NFL game.                              
#>  3 old_game_id  Legacy NFL game ID.                                             
#>  4 home_team    String abbreviation for the home team.                          
#>  5 away_team    String abbreviation for the away team.                          
#>  6 season_type  'REG' or 'POST' indicating if the game belongs to regular or po…
#>  7 week         Season week.                                                    
#>  8 posteam      String abbreviation for the team with possession.               
#>  9 posteam_type String indicating whether the posteam team is home or away.     
#> 10 defteam      String abbreviation for the team on defense.                    
#> # … with 362 more rows
# }